nawwww.... this day has been pretty sexaaaayyy foh'me :"> lookie my headpiece and long top, they both have animal printssss :> aren't they cutie? :3 of course they are!!:p haha :)) and heyy.. my baby's saying hi to you :3 his name's JD :3 such a cutie :3 a little fact about my leopard headpiece; it's a scarf actually. lol. i just tied it on my head and made some fabric parts pop-out to look like a ribbon. XD xo ~dannah
heyyaaaa!! another day has passed. and yea, as usual, i'm now updating my blog just fo'yah guys :) this is what i wore at the office todayy. another version of a skirttyyy-uniform like the one i have uploaded yesterday. some of you guys might think if i'm fond of wearing skirts. umm.. actually, i really am! haha. to d'maxieee! :p lol. another pic me holding a soda :) xo dannah~
*hey. lookie my outfit i was just telling you about before i left the house this aftee. it's somewhat alike to what most japanese girl students wear. skirtyyy-uniform :) haha. it could look more alike though if i wore knee-high socks. XD
you guys could also hype my looks at lookbook! see the badge on the right side of this blog :)
*portraits of myself taken at our church's 18th anniversary, showing off my cute minnie mouse inspired dress ^_^m mustard belt and bag to spice up my blue-green dress :) i bought this dress from my fav store for a good price. my cousins and i had the matching dress colors. lol. cuz we all shopped together from a same store :)